We don't have to earn the right to be included – we are all born as equal and part of a community. All means all. Everyone capable of breathing, even if breathing requires support, is entitled to be included – no one is too difficult, too old, too poor, or too disabled to qualify.
Delivering Community Integration
Community integration is a vital approach to promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. By ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to the same opportunities and environments as everyone else, it fosters a more equitable and supportive community.
This approach breaks down barriers to education, employment, social interaction, and daily life activities, allowing individuals to pursue their interests and goals based on their own choices rather than limitations imposed by segregation or exclusion. Integration also provides these services and supports in environments that are least restrictive, ensuring that individuals can participate fully without being isolated from the community.
Promoting community integration isn't just beneficial for individuals with disabilities; it improves the well-being and health of the entire community by fostering diversity, mutual respect, and inclusion. The more integrated a community is, the richer its social fabric, leading to a more vibrant and supportive society.